摘要: 在中國水環境治理過程中,降雨徑流產生的面源污染(non-point source pollution)導致嚴重的河道黑臭等環境污染問題受到廣泛關注和研究。面源污染依據下墊面不同主要分為農業面源污染和城市面源污染?;趪鴥韧獬鞘袕搅魑廴鞠嘌芯砍晒?從城市徑流污染特征、污染負荷模型和治理技術與成效3個方面做了總結。中國城市徑流中污染物以SS為主,濃度達到200 mg/L以上,且COD、TP和TN均遠遠超過排放標準。同時,徑流中也檢出了微塑料和重金屬。對比分析了國內應用最為廣泛的面源負荷模型,并給出了各自的優缺點及應用場景。收集了近年來的面源污染治理的技術與成效,并總結其局限性。指出未來研究可從GIS耦合、技術組合優化、廠網河調度以及全過程治理開展。Abstract: In the process of water environment management in China, non-point source pollution caused by rainfall runoff has caused serious environmental pollution problems such as black and odorous rivers, which have received extensive attention. Non-point source pollution is mainly divided into agricultural non-point source pollution and urban non-point source pollution, according to different underlying surfaces. Based on the global literature on urban runoff pollution, this paper summarizes the characteristics of urban runoff pollution, pollution load model, and treatment technology and effect. In China, SS is the main pollutant in urban runoff, reaching more than 200 mg/L, and COD, TP, and TN concentrations are also far higher than the emission standards. At the same time, microplastics and heavy metals were also detected in the runoff. The most widely used surface source load models in China are compared and analyzed, and their advantages, disadvantages, and application scenarios are given. The technology and effectiveness of non-point source pollution control in recent years are collected, and its limitations are summarized. Future research should be concentrated on GIS coupling, technology combination optimization, plant network river dispatching, and whole process governance.
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