摘要: 以多孔材料作為基材的分散式小規模海綿設施應用廣泛。為了在保證不產生二次污染的前提下不斷提高材料自身的孔隙率、強度和吸水釋水能力,以適應更多的應用場景,對多孔泡沫玻璃進行了改性研究。以廢玻璃粉為主要原材料,加入一定量的發泡劑、改性劑等,在500~950 ℃的燒制溫度下,制備了可用于海綿城市蓄排水的開孔泡沫玻璃,并對其微觀結構和物理性能進行表征。結果表明:開孔泡沫玻璃呈現大量致密的不規則開孔結構,孔道彼此連通,孔徑在0.1~5 mm,孔隙率達93%;抗壓強度可達2.3 MPa,可應用于對抗壓強度要求較高的場景;通過控制原材料可保證重金屬污染物含量極低,對水體不造成污染;具有很強的吸水能力和良好的緩釋效果,飽和吸水率可達95%,釋水8 h后,質量吸水率減小至30%;用于地下封閉環境時,需要考慮排氣設計和抗浮設計。該研究為海綿城市雨水蓄排提供了一種新型環?;?有利于泡沫玻璃在海綿設施中推廣應用。Abstract: Dispersed small-scale sponge facilities with porous materials as the base material are widely used currently. To continuously improve the porosity, strength, water absorption, and release capacity of the material without secondary pollution, and adapt to more application scenarios, the modification of porous foam glass was studied. The waste glass powder was used as the main raw material, adding a certain amount of foaming agent, modifier, etc., and then the foam glass with an open-cell structure was prepared. The firing temperature was 500~950 ℃. The prepared open-cell foam glass's microstructure and physical properties were tested. The results showed that the prepared foam glass has many dense and irregular open-cell structures, and the cells relate to each other. The cell diameter is about 0.1 mm to 5 mm, and the porosity rate reaches 93%. The foam glass with a compressive strength of 2.3 MPa can be applied to scenarios with high requirements for compressive strength. By controlling the raw materials, the content of heavy metal pollutants is extremely low without causing pollution to water bodies. The foam glass has strong water absorption and a good sustained release effect, and the saturation water absorption can reach 95%. After 8 h of water release, the water absorption rate (by mass) is reduced to 30%. When used in underground enclosed environments, exhaust design and anti-floating design need to be considered. The study provides a new environmental substrate for stormwater storage and drainage in sponge city, and promotes the application of foam glass in sponge facilities.
Key words:
- open-cell foam glass /
- sponge city /
- stormwater storage and drainage /
- porous material
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